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VWA Centenary

Celebrating 100 years of weightlifting in Victoria.

In 1920, a group of Victorians with a shared interest in weightlifting banded together and formed an amateur weightlifting association; this organisation, formed one hundred years ago, continues this day and is now known as the Victorian Weightlifting Association.
To mark this momentous milestone, we are embarking on a journey to record your memories of weightlifting in Victoria - memorable moments of watching weightlifting, participating in weightlifting or supporting a loved one on their weightlifting journey, and we'd love to hear your story.
To this end, we have put together a simple web form to gather this information. The webform will allow you to upload files, share your story or memorable moment, or even just let us know the years that you were involved with weightlifting. You can share your information here. If you cannot access the form you can email information to us via [email protected]
The VWA Centenary Subcommittee will collate the information received and with permission, select stories to share with our community - keep your eyes out here and on our social media pages where your memories may be shared. 
We are keen to build a digital history of our 100 years. If you have memorabilia you are willing to show us we would love to see it; even if you don't, we are very interested to hear your stories, the stories that make us who we are. We have already started this process: visit our Facebook and Instagram pages to see some snapshots from our 100 years. 
Be sure to check back here for new content and information regarding any upcoming events!
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